If you were lucky enough to find the $5 bunny ear cutting board in the Target dollar spot, then you probably ran into the same dilemma as me as to how to use it. After having it sit on my counter for weeks, I finally decided to make a colorful veggie board! This would be a great healthy option to take to an Easter gathering this weekend! I did this just for fun, but got a great reaction on Instagram, so I wanted to share it here too.
My board included two dips: hummus and guacamole and a variety of veggies. I picked the veggies based on color and not so much taste; I will not be using radishes on any other veggie boards lol. Here’s a list of the veggies I used from top to bottom:
-Yellow Bell Pepper
-Cherry Tomatoes
This board was the perfect size for 2 people, so if you’re going to a gathering, I’d recommend using a much bigger board!!